
Bravo Dance




Dancewear for girls are always available in the Bravo Dance online store.
Sometimes the selection of dancewear for a girl is not an easy process, because as many as 3 people are involved in it - parents, girls and coaches.
Very often, the opinion of parents and coaches does not coincide, as well as the opinion of the girl and parents. Increasingly, you can see adult designs in the catalog that are adapted to children's sizes. Sometimes it looks very cool and stylish, but sometimes it is out of place. The basic models always remain relevant and indispensable, of course. But the process of choosing dance clothes for a girl is a difficult task.
The Bravo Dance online store pays attention first of all to the fabric's quality because low-quality materials create discomfort and can harm the skin. The online store works only with reliable dancewear manufacturers, mainly Ukrainian, Italian and English. The online store Bravo Dance also has a showroom in Prague. Every day we communicate with our clients and ask different questions to stay up to date and understand the true need of a beginner dancer today. It is very simple, there is a trend that is difficult to affect. This trend is stylish dancewear at affordable prices and of a good quality. It is this sequence of priorities that are placed among the dancers. Style first, then a fair, affordable price and then good quality are desirable. We also hear that you always want more choices of new styles and collections, so we work very closely with our partner manufacturers and always try to bring the voice of the dancer to the ears of the supplier.
So, back to creating a new wardrobe for the girl. First of all, we recommend that you understand the views and rules of your teacher, based on this you need to find an agreement with your parents and only after that go shopping. Not infrequently, we see a picture when parents and daughters argue in the store. They have different views, and all this ends with the fact that everyone upset just goes home.
Our professional team, first of all, tries to figure out, if there is an understanding and agreement between the parents and the girl regarding the new dancewear. If there is, we try to carefully hear the direction of the style. And only if we do understand what exactly they are looking for for the girl, we try to recommend what might remain out of the zone of their vision. If we are not sure whether the parents have an agreement with the girl, we never interfere in the process.
Remember that for little growing-up dancers, everything is starting to line up and it's very easy to break it. Be careful and support beginner dancers with all your might because they are the future of ballroom dancing, which is in your hands.